Sunday, March 15, 2009

Miss Swift

Where did Taylor Swift come from? Maybe I'm oblivious because I stray away from modern country music. But, anyways, she's gorgeous.

I'm in love with her.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Payton May

I was drinking Wild Turkey 101 and randomly searching videos on YouTube. After my buzz warped into a drunken mess, I stumbled looking for some good ol' cryin music. I didn't find any. But, I did stumble upon this guy, Payton May. I searched Hype Machine, iTunes, and everywhere else, and I can't find recordings of Payton. But, the YouTube videos are pretty dope.

You all like it?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Another Languid Monday

It's another languid Monday, as I sit on my couch. I've watched the sun fall from the sky and sink under the Hudson River. New York City is bustling, but there is no place for me to go. I sit. That's it. Here's some music.

Iron and Wine - Love and Some Verses (Our Endless Numbered Days)

Iron and Wine - Sodom, South Georgia (Our Endless Numbered Days)

Laura Gibson - All the Pretty Horses
(Six White Horses)

Conor Oberst - Breezy (Gentlemen's Pact EP)

Released solely on an EP that the band sales on tour, "Breezy" is Conor's farewell to a former band mate whom he clearly adored. This is a phenomenal song.

I Feel Breezy

Conor Oberst has done it again.

"Breezy" is a song that was released only on the EP's Conor and the Mystic Valley Band sold on tour. I, myself, haven't had a chance to pick up the EP. I've combed iTunes and other blogs, but I just can't find it. So, I reckon this YouTube video will suffice.

Breezy was in Bright Eyes and apparently died over the past year due to some pharmaceutical complications. Conor sings a haunting, love-filled, farewell to Breezy, who from this bit of poetry sounds like a phenomenal woman.

This video is the recording with Conor's picture displayed the whole time:

This is a live clip, and it's pretty decent quality. I like how the band jumps in at the end:

If anyone figures out where I can buy the EP, please let me know.