Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Just Because It's Beautiful


If Not For You

I'm a big Dylan fan. Did you know that?

I also like Derek Webb. Not as much, of course. But, he puts on a great show and is a talented writer.

Well, I just ran across a Dylan cover by Sandra McCracken and Derek Webb

I don't have it uploaded yet, but you can download it here.

Thanks to Star Maker Machine for the link.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Let's Do It

I've got a Jameson on the rocks in my hand.


To our success and our dreams. It's coming.

Thanks to Omaha Hype for this song.

Felice Brothers - Whiskey In My Whiskey

Monday, October 27, 2008

Posters Posters Posters

This might seem like an inane post, but I've decided to post a few posters that I thought were cool and eventually might want to purchase. All of these can be found at

Well, that's like a million posters. I didn't plan on putting that many up, but I just kept liking all the ones I saw.

Of course, the post can't be complete without some music. So, I decided to switch it up a little bit and dabble in different genres.

AA Bondy - There's A Reason

This guy is new, and I haven't heard a ton of his stuff. He's playing a show here in New York City in a few weeks and I'm going to try to check it out. He has a great voice, and is a pretty good lyricist. I really enjoy his sound

Aesop Rock - Coffee

I don't know a lot about Aesop Rock. But, I know that he kicks some ass on the mic. He's got a very distinct sound and flow. His style is really rhythmic and his lyrics are just as polished.

Josh Ritter - Girl In The War

Still, another guy I don't know much about. This song has more of an acoustic vibe, but the lyrics are descriptive and imaginative. I dig it.

Akon - I'm So Paid (ft. Lil' Wayne)

I love Lil' Wayne. He's the man. He's so goddam cocky, but it suits him. He can get away with almost anything on the mic. I was also proud of Akon. His two verses are well written and well sung.

The Felice Brothers - Hey Hey Revolver

The Felice Brothers have been around for a few years, but they recently signed to the label Team Love. Team Love was founded by Bright Eyes frontman, Conor Oberst. There are a variety of musical groups on the label. To hear from different artists on the label go to their website.

That's all folks. Let's drink. To success..

Oh.. And...

What Am I Even Doing?

You know, I've been sitting around a pile of papers over the last few weeks. I'm determined to sit down and write a story of my travels this summer.

The hard part, is I don't know where to begin. Freight trains and hitch hiking don't make for an easy story. I saw things that I still don't believe. I experienced things in which I still doubt whether they ever really happened. I met some of the most interesting people this country has to offer. I was homeless in every state across the southern border of the United States.

Where do I begin? I don't have a clue. I'm thinking about maybe doing another blog where each entry I write of a new day or story of my journey. I'm also inclined to write it in Word and try to get it published. I don't know.

I've got them weary blues from waitin' on writing this thing. Hank knows what I'm talking about.

Hank Williams Sr. - Weary Blues From Waitin

Monday, October 20, 2008

My Vices

Many would definetely call me a man of vices. Some, to name a few, of them are:

1. Nostalgia

A vice? Probably not. But, it is something that creeps up on me from time to time. It's like a bad habit or an angry brother. I do enjoy fond memories, but the way nostalgia beats up on the inside of my stomach makes it intolerable.

A good nostalgic song? Maybe not for you, but for me:

Bob Dylan - It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry

This song is nostalgic for me because it reminds me of my journey across the states. It reminds me of the open boxcar going down the west coast. It reminds me of hitch hiking across the hot desert. It reminds me of the best days of my life.

2. Getting Extremely Pissed Of at 'Mr. Jones' Kind of Folks

You know who I'm talking about? I'm talking about pretentious, ass kissing, "look how many books I've read", word whoring douche fucks. Good song for these guys?

Bob Dylan - Ballad of a Thin Man

Bob verbally kicks Mr. Jones ass.

3. Occasional Weed Smoking

If you, the reader, are a smoker, then you know what I mean by 'occasional weed smoking'. If you aren't a smoker, I can't really explain to you. But, it's a vice of mine. I enjoy it. A lot of people do. And from the thousands of songs I could put up from rap, reggae, rock'n'roll, and whatever else, of course I'd be the guy who utilizes Bob Dylan.

Bob Dylan - Rainy Day Women

I've always loved this song. And, who can dislike a line continuously repeating, "Everybody must get stoned!". I love it. You should too.

4. Alcohol

Most people would probably say my vice is whiskey. But, I think that limiting such a vice to whiskey is to do my vice injustice. I love whiskey, yes. But, I love a nice dark ale. I love a whiskey mixed with homemade sour mix. I love whiskey sitting lonely on some rocks. I love gin. I can tolerate vodka. I enjoy drinks I've never tried. I love all types of alcohol.

Bob Dylan - Moonshiner

I'm originally from Kentucky, so I remember the nice taste of a strong moonshine. I know what it has done to people. I know what it can do to people. But, I still love it. And, even after Bob sings a ballad-style moonshine song (not originally written by him) I can feel the need to rest my lips on a mason jar.

5. Cocaine

Yes, cocaine. Think what you will, but I occasionally enjoy a bump, a line, or even a binge. Big deal. It's bad. I know. That's why I'm saying it's my vice. But... there are quite a few songs that are well written and display the mystery of cocaine. But, I've decided to stick to my string of Bob Dylan songs for this post.

Bob Dylan - Cocaine

Off of a recording of a live show in 1965, Bob sings a great song about riding the white pony.

Friday, October 17, 2008

I Still Don't Even Know

Well, it's about half past ten. I worked for damn near the whole day. It seems like I constantly find myself on my couch after hours of robotic, tedious maneuvers. I'm in New York City. Oppurtunity is screaming from the street corners. And, here I am, sittin' on my goddam couch. After a few minutes of debating on what I could do tonight, I'll end up at a bar with a whiskey in my hand. After I finish a pack of cigarettes and my speech starts to slow, I'll stumble home.

In light of the obvious events of the night and my need for company from Bob Dylan and Conor Oberst, I decided to throw up a few songs for your listening pleasure.

Bright Eyes - Burn Rubber (Live at KCRW)

Before a concert in Oklahoma (I believe...) Conor Oberst and Mike Mogis of Bright Eyes played a few songs live on KCRW, a local radio station. Burn Rubber was originally written by Simon Joyner, as Conor achknowledges. Bright Eyes does a more instrument/beat-filled version on their album "Take It Easy (Love Nothing)". But, I prefer this version while in my more nostalgic state.

Conor Oberst - Milk Thistle (Conor Oberst)

Conor came out with a solo album with the Mystic Valley Band. The album is very similar, but has its' differences, to Conor's work with Bright Eyes. But, I must admit, I love this album. Milk Thistle is one of the slower tracks on the album, but the lyrical content and instrumentation are enjoyable.

Conor Oberst - Lenders in the Temple (Conor Oberst)

Also off of his self titled record, Lenders in the Temple is another slower track, with a haunting chorus. Conor's talent for writing really shows through on this track.

Bob Dylan - Idiot Wind (Blood on the Tracks)

If you haven't heard this song, listen to it now. Bob wrote this song during the divorce from his first wife. His anger fuses well with his knack for writing great story lyrics.

Bob Dylan - If You See Her Say Hello (Blood on the Tracks)

Another great song off of "Blood on the Tracks", this song is semi-ballad like and sings of a lost love who Bob clearly no longer has contact with. He vulnerably sings of the tragic ending and his fight to move on.

Bob Dylan - Mama You Been on My Mind

There are quite a few Bob Dylan fans out there that have told me they've never heard Mama You Been on my Mind. I love this song. I hope you enjoy it as well.

Don't think I've forgotten to write about Dylan's newest album; "Tell Tale Signs: The Bootleg Series Vol. 8". Samples and such soon.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ol' Hank

Hank Williams Sr. was a phenomenal man. His music set the stage for many artists who would soon followed. He sang with a twang that was unmistakeable and a heart that was all but shattered.

Hank was troubled for most of his life by severe back pain. Many attribute this to his alcoholism. It is rumored that Hank would drink Whiskey for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and all in between. That's my kind of man.

So, here's to Hank. My back has been hurting for the past couple of years, on and off. I'm nowhere near the anguish of the country legend, but I've seen a glimpse.

To drinking whiskey, numbing pain, and forgetting women.

Check out these Hank classics while you drink.

Cold Cold Heart

Lost Highway

Lonesome Whistle